Chris Ryan: Extreme Tenant

Sunday 13 July, 6:15pm
A trenchant, acutely funny hour. ★★★★ Sydney Morning Herald

Presented by Newcastle Comedy Festival 

I have no idea what’s happening until it’s over. It starts with the night I’m lying awake, trying to think of a zinger retort to a Facebook comment by a stranger called Barbara. Who is she? Why is she being mean to me? Why do I care? Why do I let junk live rent-free in my head?

When an influencer couple steal your joke and play it over a lame clip, gaining more likes than you’ll ever get for the actual joke, you start asking questions you won’t like the answers to.

If a face care routine feels spiritual, if the right response to a wrong world is to scroll marketplace until you’re dead, if your best escape plan is to get lost in the weeds, this show is probably for you.

Life is flying by at warp speed and nothing lasts forever, you may as well be an Extreme Tenant.

Recommended for ages 15+

Running time 55 minutes, no interval. Times are approximate and subject to change without notice. 


  • Sunday 13 July 2025 6:15 pm

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  • Standard $35


  • Civic Theatre Ticket Office
  • 49291977


Civic Theatre
375 Hunter Street